A Fairy Like Batman
Camie shows off her Batman shoulder tattoo.
Collecting Batman
Camie: My full name is Camerina aka Camie.
Zoe: What do you collect?
C: I collect a lot of Batman memorabilia. I’m a really big Batman fan. It’s my thing. Also I collect fairies. That is a little known secret about me. Fairies and Batman memorabilia.
Z: When did that start?
“I have a Batman snuggy; I have Batman boxers; I have a full size Batman stuffed person sitting on my couch.”
C: Batman started when I was like five. And then everyone knew that I loved Batman so that was like the go-to gift for me. I have so many Batman shotglasses.
Z: Is that overwhelming or do you like it?
C: I like it. A lot of people now, I tell, if you are going to get me something Batman, get me something that I can hang or put away easily. I have a Batman snuggy; I have Batman boxers; I have a full size Batman stuffed person sitting on my couch. Figurines, clothing old school tin comic illustrations. My uncle got me a customized fleur-de-lis—but it’s the Batman symbol. So, it’s pretty fucking awesome.
Z: How does Batman appeal to you?
C: Uhh. I don’t know. I just have good associations growing up with Batman. My brother grew up with his dad and I grew up with my grandmother two hours away. We had different weekends when we saw my mom, but sometimes those weekends would fall together. I remember tying towels around our necks and jumping off the couch, watching Batman. It’s always made me feel really close to him.
Batman painting on Camie's wall.
Fleur de lis of Batman commissioned by Camie's uncle.
Plush Batman
Secret Fairies
I have a lot of fairies, cause my mom found out that I like to collect fairies. She gets them for me. She likes to get me fairies that have special characteristics that remind her of me. So a lot of my fairies have brown hair.
Z: Where do you get fairies?
C: Stores that are run by old women or like stationary stores will have them a lot of the time. I like the ones where they are doing something, not just lounging around. I have one that is reading a book and I have one that's playing a guitar.
Z: How come the fairy collection is a secret?
C: It’s not really a secret. It’s just that most people don’t expect me to be into whimsical type things, because I do like comics and cause I’m really a person that’s like, Ok what is its practical use? What is it for? But with fairies–I just always loved watching those fairy movies and I was the kind of kid that took twigs and built little castles for fairies and sat out waiting for them.
“Batman wears a cape and essentially flies around and does good things and that’s what fairies do.”
I guess it’s a more feminine side of me. A lot of people double take when they hear me say it. I kind of don’t like those looks cause I get them all the time anyway.
Z: Do people identify you as more masculine?
C: Just really tomboyish. Cause of the Batman. I wear baggy clothing unless I’m cleaning. I don’t wear makeup. I don’t wear dresses all that often. So people just automatically assume...
Z: Assume?
C: Oh, that I'm like a Butch. Most of the time I get that I'm asexual.
Z: It is interesting though because these two things that you collect are stereotypically, in terms of gender norms, like really masculine and really feminine...
C: I've loved both for so long. I don’t really think of them as that different. Batman wears a cape and essentially flies around and does good things and that’s what fairies do. I mean there's a height difference, too, obviously…Also I collect miniature tea sets.
Z: How many do you have?
C: I have three that I could find. I could have sworn I had so much more. I actually have a setup where my fairies are around a tea set with a picture of the Arch De Triumph and it’s like they are sitting at a cafe just staring at it. I have them in a glass case.
Z: Do you think you interact with them pretty frequently?
C: Yeah I do find myself opening it and I'll adjust them a little bit, depending on my mood. The glass case sits right above my dresser and I just love that. I get to see them when I'm picking out what I'm going to wear.
Z: Do they have inner lives that you make up for them?
C: I used to back when I was younger. They all had their different stories about where they came from.
Z: Do you remember them all?
C: Not at all. I had names for them.
Camie's display of Batman and Fairies.
A Selection of Fairies.
Family Collecting
Z: Do you think most of your collecting is social? Things other people get involved in?
C: I think the Batman one is definitely a social collection where people are always excited when they find Batman things for me and I'm the type of person that feels so special when people give me anything so I really enjoy it, even though it could be like a cheap-o Batman yoyo from the dollar store and I'll totally love it.
Z: Are there ever ones where you are like, Uh, I don’t want this?
C: There is one that is so bad. This guy I was seeing for a while, for Christmas he got me this Batman car that has these horrible candies in it. I'm probably going to dump out the candy.
Z: Is the car ok?
C: The car is all right. I think I just keep it around for my little brother to play with. He's four.
Z: Does he love your collection?
C: He does. He calls me his Batman and he is my little Spiderman.
Z: It’s like really familial for you.
C: Things that are my collections, are maybe a little bit social, but they have been in my family forever. They tie me with my family. I don’t get to see my mom and my younger siblings all that much cause they live in Sacramento, so it keeps me close to them.
Camie brandishing Batman buttons.
My grandmother, she is Mexican and she collects pottery, native pottery. I remember traveling the southwest and always collecting pottery and I think that’s where I got that collection thing in my head...and rugs. She is always joking that my inheritance from her is going to be blankets, like hand woven blankets and rugs.
Z: That doesn’t sound so bad really.
C: Yeah, I love the blankets. And actually the one that I have hanging up on the couch right now is one that she gave me. She bought it for me when I was really young and then didn’t give it to me until this year.
Z: Do you have any thoughts on collection in general?
C: A lot of people try to collect stuff when they’re younger as just having a hobby and I feel like they are not really into it or like if you do start a collection at a young age it’s something that you are obviously attracted to. It’s something that you see, like stamps and rocks. My little brother has a rock collection going right now.
I used to put my shirt up and put seashells and rocks in there. I used to go to Stinson beach and collect Sand Dollars. I think its something that is an attraction. As some people are attracted to different types of people, it’s the same with collecting. You aren’t going to be attracted to having a bunch of things that don't appeal to you in some way.

Camie Casillas (she/her) is from Oakland, Ca and loves most things having to do with outdoors, reading, and writing. Ever since she was little, she’s been fascinated by comics of heroes and super heroes. She identifies as Queer and finds herself thinking of almost everyone as beautiful. Camie would like to highlight the work of the American Indian Child Resource Center:
They’re located right on Grand Ave in Oakland, CA and have been integral to the Native families. Each year they host a variety of events such as a backpack drive/giveaway which gives native children in need school supplies. Check them out and donate if you can! www.aicrc.org